Welcome to AMI International, your Cyber & Virtual Classroom of Theology
에 오신 것을 환영합니다, 사이버 및 가상 신학 교실.

Teaching Towards World Evangelism
세계를 향한 준비 복음 전도

We are now accepting students around the world who aspire to become effective teachers, pastors, evangelists, and church leaders. A Certificate, Bachelor and Master’s degree are now attainable at AMI College and Seminary (ACS) through AMI Philippines’ “FREE Biblical Academic Program (BAP)”.

After completing the course outlines with AMI educational home study approaches, students will surely cater to the work of evangelism, teachings, and pastoring effectively.

Professor Courses Offered

Biblical Academic Program 성 경 적 학 문 프 로 그 램

Study and learn more about the context of the Scriptures
성 경 의 문 맥 에 대 해 공 부 하 고 더 배 우 십 시 오

Your journey in serving God begins in this Student Lecture Board (SLB), where you will be equipped and become an effective witness who will testify and proclaim the Good News of Salvation in this End-time harvest of souls.
Dr. Hwangs Articles

0 Online Lectures
0 Students Enrolled
0 Instructors
0 People Reached

0 Website Visit
환영하다 에게ㅏ중나'에스 성경 아카데미 프로그램

Antioch Mission International 안디옥 미션 인터내셔널
BAP System 비ㅏ피체계

It is a Theological platform of AMI College & Seminary (ACS), a comprehensive student-learning system that envisioned of producing a numerous laborers who will participate in mandated work of World Evangelism.

나 의 에 스 엘 비

The Student Lecture Board (SLB) is a universally accessible device, a virtual blackboard loaded with semestral theological course outlines extracted from the professor’s cyber-classroom in Korea. The professor, Dr. Thomas Hwang has immersed himself in this teaching ministry for more than three (3) decades up to the present . His lectures are also available on YouTube, while the videos are organized theologically in the Student Lecture Board (SLB) of AMI College & Seminary (ACS) FREE Biblical Academic Program (BAP) worldwide operations.

Virtual Class
가상 클래스

It is a classroom, where every student can participate and interact in real time with the assigned facilitating professor after watching lectures from Dr. Thomas Hwang’s cyber-classroom. The students can check announcements or quizzes and join online classes by accessing the provided link.


My module refers to the printed and non-printed instructional materials; a comprehensive view of the entire lecture which provides students the freedom to navigate the teachings of the professor from his cyber-classroom with the guidance of the facilitating professor.

Book Published
책 출판

Dr. Hwang authored twenty-one (21) educational books, published by AMI’s headquarter in Korea, translated into 22 different languages ideal for theological research and teaching materials.

Recital & OJT

Students will be required to undergo an internship program; their personal videos and pictures will be taken during the actual training and be uploaded to “My Recital page” to ensure students’ performances.

Recital Wall
리사이틀 벽

Activities and events that has been posted by the other students may be viewed in this particular page.

Archived Classes
보관된 클래스

Students can watch the facilitator’s previous discussions on specific lectures.


Be part of our advocacy! Sow a seed! Your donations greatly works and will help for the advancement of AMI operations; help deliver free AMI-BAP online/offline educational services to potential future church leaders, leading our alumni to participate in world evangelization to tribes and nations.


Your donation and support will help potential young leaders among Christian communities to study and obtain a Certificate in Theology within two(2) semesters for FREE through AMI- BAP. By your generous and cheerful giving, you are in a way fulfilling the Great Commission ( Matt. 28:19-20)
